Democracy Day

22/03/2013 00:00

A coincidence or not, the Albanian PM mentioned “change” and “victory”
nine times each, during the 17 minute speech on the day of the first
victory of the DP in democratic elections in Albania.

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, considers 22 March 1992 as the day when the Albanians signed for changing an era in their country. The Democrats want to repeat history on 23 June 2013, asking a new mandate.

“We are the change! Forward, for free and fair elections, for a second March 22nd on June 23rd. We will win”, Berisha declared.

Berisha believes on victory because, according to him, Albania’s milestone achievements are related with the DP, such as the NATO membership, visa liberalization, improved infrastructure, increased wages and pensions; reforms that according to Berisha avoided an economic crisis in Albania and created new jobs. Berisha says that the Albanians see at the DP the alternative of kept promises.

“June 23rd elections are decisive for every unemployed Albanian who sees how our promises are turning to reality! Ahead, to create 250.000 jobs in our next mandate”, Berisha declared.

The PM believes that the Albanians will vote the DP as the political force that progressed with the EU integration, and that the Albanians will give the same answer of 21 years ago to those who blocked the EU candidate status.  

“Our European dream has not stopped. We will bring down the blockage wall with the power of freedom. Albania towards Europe! Albania towards the integration road! The free and honest elections of June 23rd are decisive for every Albanian, for Albania’s EU integration. We are the change! We are the locomotion of integration”, Berisha declared.

Together with Berisha today was one of the first high DP leaders, Eduard Selami, just returned from America.

Hundreds of buses from other cities

Hundreds of buses were organized from the entire country to arrive in Tirana today and participate in the DP meeting.

DP supporters, and mostly state administration employees, travelled from Durres to Tirana on train for free.

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