After some tense meetings that gave no results, the Commission for the
Implementation of the December 24th agreement has made some small steps
ahead, mainly related to the reform but not the work.
The DP wants to resolve the law that doesn’t allow people with criminal records to run in the elections of June 21st before the deadline for the registration of the candidates, which is this week.
But the Socialists wanted more time to review the propositions of the democrats for modifications at the Electoral Code. In the meantime, they are verifying some Democratic Party candidates.
“We must pass it in Parliament this Thursday. It will take just one minute. Those who feel their rights are violated, they should create an association and address the institutions”, declared the Democratic Party MP, Eduard Halimi.
“The Parliament has procedures. First, you should also express your will about your candidates. We have found seven of them with problems”, declared MP Taulant Balla.
Unofficial sources say the list has nine names of candidates who are under investigation over power abuse or failing to declare their assets. It is unclear why this list also has the name of the candidate for Durres, Grida Duma. However, the chairman of the Commission, Oerd Bylykbashi, noted the standard of his party.
“Certainly, the DP showed its will to fight people with criminal records. We will not allow anyone. There is an agreement with the DP, and these people will leave. But we should not leave this to the political will, but to the will of law. This should be the rule of law, not the rule of the caprices of a Prime Minister or anybody else”, Bylykbashi declared.
“We don’t have to rush things with mendings of the moment, as long as the commission can decide on time”, declared the opposition MP, Ulsi Manja.
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