The Vice Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Denar Biba, said that the CEC decision to not remove the mandate of the Mallakastra Mayor was falsified, because the dispositive has not been presented at the CEC meeting.
“This violation is valid for a criminal prosecution”, Biba declared.
The opposition representatives at CEC defended their decision for Mallakastra’s Mayor and accused Biba of making political attacks on behalf of the Socialist Party.
Denar Biba was Chairman of the Central Election Commission, appointed by the Socialist Party, until the Democratic Party in opposition made an agreement with the ruling socialists before the elections to take control of the CEC. After this agreement, Biba moved to Vice Chairman and the Democratic Party appointed the Chairman, Klement Zguri.
After the elections, the Socialist Party said that the Mallakastra Mayor, member of the Democratic Party, was affected by the decriminalization law, since he was sentenced by an Italian Court for theft. The Socialists called for his mandate to be removed, but CEC voted behind closed doors to keep him in power.
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