December 8th; Two similar student protests for democracy, with the same calls in 1990 as in 2018

08/12/2020 15:34

The student protest in 2018 resembled the student movement for democracy during the fall of communism on December 8, 1990.

Students during the 1990 marches shouted ‘We want Albania to be like Europe’. But the achievements of the two generations were not the same.

“If we draw parallels regarding the two protests, one thing in common is that we were here with the same slogan. It is unfortunate that in 2018 students had to seek democracy again. We were very clear in what we wanted but is obvious today how little we realized, because most of the students, the brain of Albania has now migrated. The same problems were then, it is difficult to say that we have changed, so on this day of December 8 is time to reflect”.

The students in December 90 did not give up, with their insistence they managed to defeat the dictatorship in February 1991, but despite their inspiration the movement of the 2018 students did not achieve the same results. “The students were divided and the protest that was infiltrated and interrupted. Political parties intervened as the students did not have that power of 30 years ago.

“I took part in the first days of the protest, after that disruption took place. As far as I have heard, the 90’s generation had principles, not like today’s youth who leave things in the middle, we were inspired but the disruption. There was also political influence, too many parties. The political influence of those who do not want to move forward is very high. As the saying goes, ‘if you want to kill the intelligence, get a crowd of ignorant people against them and they will retreat.”

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