The government has proposed a draft-law through which they want to free
themselves form the obligation to receive an approval from the
Parliament for every debt agreement in the financial market.
“When we need a loan, the details need to be approved by the Parliament. We think that this is not necessary, since the powers are divided”, said Shkelqim Cani, Minister of Finances.
“The Parliament has all the means to set limits for the Ministry of Finances and the Government, for what, how and with what criteria should loans be taken”, Cani declared.
According to him, the proposed draft allows the government to take loans with better conditions than private operators.
But the Constitution says that international agreements related to government loans should be approved by the Parliament.
“There is a legal issue that should be reviewed by the Commission of Laws. For this reason, the Conference of Chairmen has engaged the Commission of Legal and Constitutional Matters to review it. We will close the first presentation session today, and in the next week we will start another procedure, based on the Parliament’s regulation, certainly, by waiting for the legal decision of the Commission of Laws”, declared the Chairman of the Commission.
This Constitutional limit has turned into a stalemate for funding the deficit in the past years, especially for loans that the government takes in the free market by private operators. In 2010, the past government resolved this issue through a suspicious procedure, by decidig the loan interest rate in Parliament before the auction is held.
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