On behalf of the Cultural Heritage Forum, Artan Lame appealed the
Minister of Culture, Visar Zhiti, to not sign the removal of the “7
Xhuxhat” playground in Tirana from the Culture Monument list.
“Every object will be removed for only two reasons from this list. Either there is a political order – such as the decision taken by Mr.Bace, who had decided to remove the Pyramid from this list – or for money. Builders who pay the Minister or the director to remove an object from the list so they can build. I appeal Mr.Zhiti to not become part of this crime that is being made against the cultural heritage in Tirana, if he has no political order like that that has been brought by Mr.Bace, and if he hasn’t taken any brive for any of these objects”, Lame declared.
Lame argued how this playground has been included in the Culture Monument list, and that such as status cannot be given or removed according to the likes of someone, especially when the same director has signed to include that object in the list.
“The center of Tirana was declared an assembly of culture monuments in 2000, when the Prime Minister designate was Minister of Culture. All the objects within this group were to be declared Monument of Culture. In 2007, by order of Mr.Leskaj, who was Minister at that time, 108 objects were declared culture monuments. Let’s not forget that this list has been prepared by the Institution of Culture Monuments, which at that time was led by Mr.Bace. Five years after signing this list, he is trying to remove it. A Culture Monument is a status that cannot be revoked. We cannot give it today and remove it the next day. The status is given for several reasons, which should be disappeared, or the status should be removed. Mr.Bace cannot say that yesterday he thought that it should be there, but today he is not thinking that anymore”, Lame declared.
But what has the playground to be included in the Culture Monuments list?
“There were two reasons. First of all, what is called today ’7 Xhuxhat’, used to be the Park at the Elbasan Street, which is bordered with Tirana’s protected area. There was a logic and the entire perimeter of the protected area in Tirana could not have uncontrolled development, because it would be the façade of the protected area, and secondly because there was the medieval riverbed of the Lana River. It is the only segment that has survived from the original riverbed before the modern regulations”, Lame declared.
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