DAS Palmer’s exclusive interview with Top Channel: “Every instrument will be applied against corruption, even visa ban”

09/04/2019 20:24

Top Channel’s journalist, Anila Hoxha, realized an exclusive interview with Matthew Palmer, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary who attended a two-day visit in Albania.

Palmer stated that for the USA, Albania’s Judiciary Reform represents the path that the Albanian people must follow towards a better, European future, towards peace and prosperity. “It is the heart and soul of all of the efforts for reforms in this country, and the USA have invested a lot of energy and resources on it”, Palmer said. “It is something that we see as essential for Albania’s aspirations”.

When asked if the current political tension is being created by sentiments related to the judiciary reform, Palmer said that it is in the best interest of all parties to continue with the reforms, in order to improve transparency and accountability, regardless of who is currently running the country, and so that Albania can continue as a stable and prosperous nation, where the relations between the people and their government can contribute to a better future.

“There is always concern that people involved in corrupt practices could work against the reforms, hoping to keep away a system that gives them no benefits. But I think that with time you will start seeing progress with the reforms, the vetting, the electoral reform, the fight against corruption and organized crime, etc. As people notice the progress, they will invest more on the process that leads to a clean, transparent and accountable ruling”, Palmer said.

To the question whether the USA will do anything to guarantee the success of the Anti-Corruption Prosecution and Judiciary, Palmer said that the USA has had a great contribution in the past 20 years, by offering professional training to the Albanian judiciary, and they will keep doing so by building more capacities and by improving the skills of new individuals who get appointed to these institutions, thus strengthening their integrity.

“We are going to keep working, so that officials can be held accountable in front of their people, as regards the European integration process. Albania aspires EU accession and this is a long, difficult process that requires essential reforms. Some of them will be hard, some will be politically painful. But we are going to work together with the elected leaders to make sure that these commitments are yielding results”, Palmers said.

As for the accusations of applying double standards with the vetting process, which is the most essential part of the judiciary reform, Palmer said that the most important thing is to have responsible people in these posts, with authority, so that they can have a clean and transparent performance.

“We are committed to work together and strengthen these institutions, to make sure that no one is above the law, and no one will be able to avoid accountability, and that regardless of their resources or wealth, the law will be implemented equally and everyone will be held accountable”, he said.

The US Embassy has revoked the travel visas to many judges and prosecutors, suspected of wrongdoings. When asked whether it will be done the same with the MPs who renounced their mandates, Palmer said that he cannot comment any specific case, but he underlines the determination of the USA to use every possible instrument that supports the fight against organized crime and corruption, and public officials involved in corrupt practices must fear these measures.

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