Danjela from the Voice Kids goes viral on Albanian social networks

29/01/2018 19:41

Danjela, the inspiring contestant on The Voice Kids Albania 2018, has not only won the hearts of trainers and of the public with her beautiful voice, her special story and great optimism, but she also went viral on social networks throughout Albania.

The 13-year-old girl lives in Kukes with her sick grandmother, her sisters and brother, in a very modest house that misses most of the things we are used seeing in every home.

Her life is divided between two passions. She takes care of her special-needs brother, helping her parents who live in the village, away from all of their children, working hard to make a living for the entire family, and of course, music.

Music is an important part for Danjela, but her uplifting optimism is what strikes you most. She is grateful for everything she has in her life, and wants to enjoy every single experience she encounters.

She comes on The Voice Kids to collect a beautiful experience and make her family proud, while her parents support her with for realizing every passion and dream, despite economic difficulties.

Danjela has brought on the Voice Kids her talent and also a beautiful message of true values and optimism.

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