Court: US declaration, intervention

08/02/2013 00:00

As if the verdict was not enough, the Tirana Court has been involved as
never before in a debate with the US Embassy in Tirana, which can be
considered to a political level.

After the strong declaration that the US Embassy released about the court decision that found not guilty the defendants of the January 21st trial, the Tirana Court reacted this Friday through a press release, saying that the US embassy declaration is concerning and intervenes in a legal process. They also criticized the declarations with the Prosecutor for the possible steps that could be taken.

“The Tirana Court perceives that such declarations could be prejudicial against the trial that we consider righteous and unbiased”, the announcement says.

The Tirana Court insists that the decision given for the January 21st trial was in full accordance with the Criminal Code of the Albanian republic, and that the explanatory arguments will be given within the legal deadline.

The Court says that it is up to the Prosecution to decide what steps will be taken regarding this decision, and appeals against any prejudicial declaration about the mission in general.

After the verdict, the US embassy declared that they were dismayed by the court decision, and emphasized the expertise given by the FBI.  The US has directly declared that this decision has undermined the credibility of the court for giving unbiased and transparent justice.

After the court’s declaration against the US Embassy, opposition leader Edi Rama reacted on Twitter: “Who wants the liberation of justice should punish this rotten government with a vote on June 23rd”.

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