Court rules against CEZ in TSO lawsuit

04/01/2013 00:00

Problems at the CEZ company don’t seem to come to an end. Another court
decision orders CEZ Distribution to pay the Transmission System Operator
to pay a 409 million ALL bill.

The documents secured by Top Channel show that the court decision released on December 31st by Judge Ardian Kalia is related with a lawsuit filed by the TSO, asking the court to intervene for the payment of a due bill.

The Court accepted the request and Ardian Kalia ruled that TSO has released the bill for November 2012, but CEZ has not paid it. The court says that the request is accepted referring to a law stating that the electric power bills are executive titles that can be executed by bailiffs.

The court decided during December to block all CEZ assets to a limit of 2.531.000 EUR, by request of a Romanian company which claims that CEZ has not paid them on August 4th 2011. CEZ has currently opened a new lawsuit at court.

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