Court of Appeal for Ardian Fullani

12/09/2014 00:00

The former Bank of Albania Governor, Ardian Fullani, charged of power
abuse, will appear at the Court of Appeal where he has challenged the
arrest measure given by the Court of First Instance.

On the same day will be reviewed the security measures for the former Inspector General of the Bank of Albania, Elivar Golemi, also suspected of power abuse.

Other Bank of Albania former employees who will appear in this court are the former responsible of the Inventory, Ilir Dedja, currently in house arrest; another responsible for the inventory, Bahri Allushi, left in prison; Fatbardha Gurthi, on house arrest and Gentjan Jahja, left in prison.

The six former Bank of Albania employees will face judge Alaudin Malaj and the Prosecutor of Appeal, Nezir Gjoka.

The Court of Appeal has announced that the judge panel, led by Alaudin Malaj, was chosen after cast lots.

Next week will have 12 other arrest measures that will be reviewed by judges Agim Bendo and Shkelqim Miri.

The Tirana Prosecution has interrogated three auditors of the Bank of Albania, whose declarations are not made public due to the investigations.

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