The Court of Appeal is holding the session for the January 21st events.
Prosecutor Shkelqim Hajdari declared that the Court of First Instance
verdict was not right, since the demonstrators were not armed when the
Natinal Guard shot them on vital organs, as proved by coroners.
The Prosecution asked for 23 years in prison for the former National Guard officer, Ndrea Prendi, and 25 years in prison for the former National Guard officer, Agim Llupo.
Today was elected the judge panel with Agim Bendo leading them, and Ervin Metalla chosen as rapporteur.
The defendants were not present in the room, who were represented by their defensive lawyers.
The Tirana Court declared Ndrea Prendi innocent for the murder of Faik Myrtaj, and Agim Llupo for the murder of Ziver Veizi and Hekuran Deda. The Prosecution appealed the verdict by sticking to the intentional murder. It is still unknown who has killed Aleks Nika.
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