“Court decisions, threats to security”

25/10/2014 00:00

The Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, sent a letter to the Albanian
President, Bujar Nishani. The letter focused on the courts and their

Addressing to Nishani as the Chairman of the High Council of Justice, Tahiri refers to 25 cases when the Prosecution has requested a sentence to prison for criminals, and the courts have liberated them.

Some of these accusations are “exploitation of prostitution”, “illegal arm possession”, “assault and battery”, “production and sale of narcotics”, “robbery”, “illegal organization of gamble games”, “opposing the police forices” and even “driving under the influence”.

Tahiri illustrates the latter with the fact that the police has arrested 1796 people for DUI, and only 1% of them were held in prison as the law requires. Tahiri says that judges have been liberal to these crimes, increasing the danger to other citizens and making it more difficult for the State Police to conduct their work.

“Judges should not have the guarantee that these verdicts of incompetence and corruption will remain hidden without ever being evaluated”, Tahiri wrote to Nishani.

By asking the President to verify the cases, Tahiri says that there is no bigger threat than criminals who are arrested by the police and set free by the court.

By reminding the High Council of Justice that no measures have been taken for the most flagrant cases of courts, as reported by his ministry, Tahiri concluded this letter with the hope that the commitment of the HCJ in verifying these cases would close the options of illegality for all violators, and would make judges understand that no one is untouchable.

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