Council of Europe warns: “Elections in Macedonia will be boycotted by three parties”

28/06/2016 00:00

Three of the four main parties in Macedonia informed the Council of
Europe that they will not be part of the early elections on June 5th if
the conditions are not met for democratic elections.

This was made public by Stefa Schennach, chairman of the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which has observed the pre-election climate in Macedonia the past two days.

The CoE representative mentioned the names of parties that could boycott the elections. However, only the VMRO-DPMNE of Nikola Gruevski values that the country is ready for elections. The CoE representatives have invited the parties to sit together and decide if the election day will be postponed.

“The only way to resolve the crisis is to hold elections not for two parties, but to include all of them”, Schennach said.

Commenting the recent developments in Macedonia, the representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe asked the President of Macedonia, George Ivanov, to withdraw the decision as soon as possible. They told the government to not pressure the Special Prosecution and to not create obstacles for civil society protests.

The leader of the CoE delegation for Macedonia gave a negative evaluation for the situation of media outlets in the country.

“When I see the situation of media outlets in your country I feel I am about to cry”, said Stefan Schennach.

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