The Police arrested Aferdita Hysa, former Director of the Tax Inspection
of Tirana, on charges of power abuse, robbery with considerable
consequences and cleaning criminal products.
The 42-year-old cooperated with other Directory experts, and in the past two years they caused an economic damage of 5.2 million EUR.
The court gave the arrest order for eight other people, starting with the former inspector of reimbursement procedures, Tahir Kuka.
Police is also searching for Ismail Muca, former director of the Tirana Regional Tax Directory, Lauren Vata, former head of the Tax Inspection Sector; Edmond Osmani; Gramoz Milushi, Kujtim Metaliaj, all three of them former inspectors of the Tax Inspection, and also Mirjan Beneja and Gjergji Tupe.
Everything is related to the reimbursement of the VAT procedure. 11 trade associations have been activated, sold and inspected, and they have profited a reimbursement by asking a unregistration within three days. All 11 companies were bought by two businessmen now on the run, Beneja and Tupe. Right after taking the reimbursement, the companies have asked to unregister at the regional tax office and declared bankruptcy.
As result, there has been a damage of 515 million ALL, including employees from the Tirana regional tax administration, and the only two partners of these companies have also profited the VAT reimbursement.
The criminal proceeding started on October 18th, when the Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, declared at the Parliamentary Commission of Economy that several crimes had been consummed in the tax administration, with huge damages to the state.
Top Channel learned that this was about a giant scheme with the VAT bills. There were also ghost companies from China involved, which, according to the first calculations, have received dozens of millions of EUR through fictive bills.
Sources say that most of this scheme has been realized in July and August, in the months of the political transition. Minister Cani signed the criminal report against the people and companies involved.
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