Despite the high temperatures, citizens continue to sign the petition, asking the Assembly to convene in an extraordinary session to dismiss the governor Ardian Fullani, after the theft of 7.1 million dollars from the Bank of Albania.
“The petition signing, today on the fourth day, continues at the same pace. The intensity is high, not only in Tirana, but also in the districts. Yesterday ended with 5000 signatures, while we are working with our colleagues in the districts for collecting data to be processed and come to a clearer result. The political silence raised the citizens’ number and in most cases they have come before us in the signature places,” said Basir Çollaku.
Yesterday there were also provocations in Tirana, by two persons who requested the cancellation of the petition signing.
“Unfortunately there have been incidents and their violent message, repeatedly, was that we should leave this job because politicians are able to settle this matter. But I wish for it to be a coincidence and not a custom,” said Basir Çollaku.
Civil society activists say they will continue the petition signing until the middle of next week.
Ngjela: The law created “Super Fullani”
Politician Spartak Ngjela, chairman of the Law and Justice Party, through a posting on Facebook about the stolen money from the Bank of Albania says that “The law has helped, and it should be changed immediately.”
The law, emphasizes Ngjela, has deficiencies regarding the internal administration of the Bank.
Taking into account the existence of only one Governor and one Deputy Governor and nothing else, Ngjela sees this as the key to abuse, because the Second Deputy lacking, is not appointed. The consequence of a trivial law, states Ngjela, who in the name of independence has created an absolute Governor, there is no doubt the money would be stolen.
Ngjela arrives at the conclusion that the “current law” gives spaces to the crime. In the following comment on Facebook Ngjela states that “The law has created unmanageable absolutism in “independent institutions “and then, absolute points, after joining, quietly steal the money and all Albanian development. “In fact they personally possess “legally” the well-being of Albanian society,” he writes.
Ngjela sends this message when the Governor says: “The law is inadmissible, therefore it should be urgently changed; and the responsibility, under the law is clear: it’s the Governor responsibility. Sir, did you like to be an absolute?! Then, keep your responsibility of absolutism.”
At the end of the comment on Facebook, Ngjela is direct when he says: “Time does not wait anymore; Albania is emerging open piracy rulers of this country. This robbery of the Bank of Albania is historical shame. Who doesn’t understand is stupid and should be removed from the leadership. Who understands and accepts normally is implicated in the great theft made to the Albanian citizens.”
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