Recent official data of the foreign trade show that the consumers’
demand in the economy is still dropping. The Institution of Statistics
announced that Albania imported 7.5% fewer products in this August than
during the same period of last year.
Imports have dropped with 183 million USD, or 5.3% compared to one year ago. Data show that most of this decrease is due to mines and the energy sector. Another highly affected sector is that of machineries and equipments, which is a direct indicator for the dropped investments.
According to the Institution of Statistics, from January to August 2013, the Albanian businesses have bought 11% less machineries than the same period of the last year.
On the verge of the electoral campaign, the Albanian government removed a series of taxes to incite consumption and especially investments in economy. But numbers show that so far the removed taxes have not incited the business to invest.
On the other side, the situation with exports is more positive. Data show that exports have increased with 16.5% for these nine months, an increase mostly due to the export of energy and textiles, respectively with 39% and 10.6%.
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