Constitutional Court reviews “Kokedhima” case

23/11/2015 00:00

The Constitutional Court started the review of the Democratic Party. The
Democrats requested that the mandate of MP Koco Kokedhima ti be
terminated. The main opposition party accuse Kokedhima’s companies of
receiving public contracts while he was an MP, making a conflict of

Lawyer Ivi Kaso said the Constitutional Court must verify Kokedhima’s illegal mandate and consider anti-constitutional a Parliament decision that refused to send the case to Court.

Kaso said the Parliament had hidden evidence for the Socialist  MP, and said the same case is with MP Ilir Beqaj.

The Parliament’s legal representative, Alban Brati, said the Constitutional Court has no power over this request, since it is a competence of the Parliament.

The lawyer of the MP, Artan Hajdari, said that the Parliament’s decision should be respected and not send this case at court,

The fact that MP Kokedhima was a shareholder until February 2014 is not an inconsistence, since the agreements were signed before he erceived the MP mandate, and for this there is no similarity with the Beqja case.

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