Constitutional Court delays vetting law for translating it, but it already exists in English

27/10/2016 00:00

The Constitutional Court has started translating to English the “Vetting
Law”, so they can send it to the Venice Commission for an opinion
before taking a decision.

The translation is a process that takes place with every material that this Court sends to the Venice Commission. But, different from with other cases, the Court is asked to finalize the procedure quickly with the Vetting, so that the Justice Reform starts being implemented as soon as possible, as also recommended by the USA and the EU.

However, Top Channel has learned that the English translation is not ready yet, and the material will not be sent to Venice this week. Sources at the Constitutional Court confirmed that the Vetting Law will be sent to Venice as soon as it is translated by the experts of this court.

But that is not all. There is another possibility to send the text without delays. The Vetting Law is in fact a product of EURALIUS experts, and, as such, it was produced in English in its first original form.

Top Channel also has the e-mail correspondence in English of EURALIUS and Albanian experts, in which even the vetting applications for judges are in English.

We don’t know if the Constitutional Court has a copy of these Parliamentary documents, but a communication between both institutions would resolve everything quicker.

Only a report from the Venice Commission would push the Constitutional Court to make way for the Vetting law to be implemented.

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