After the appeals made by the Socialist Parliament Member, Erjon Brace,
the business associations are also asking an urgent amend of the
concessionary agreement.
Luan Bregasi from “Business Albania” says that besides the natural assets, this should affect even the monopoly agreements and the exclusive rights.
“The new government has the urgent duty to review all concessions, especially those of oil and of fiscal stamp services. There’s where the state could increase its revenues”, Bregasi declared.
Mr.Bregasi says that the concessionary agreements have produced unacceptable economic results, and they cannot stay anymore in this situation.
“Only in Albania you can find such absurd things, a company that has taken a huge asset like oil and doesn’t pay any tax on profit. Why did the government give this concession?”, Bregasi declared.
According to him, this result has come because the concessions at private operators were not made for defending the public’s interest.
“These revenues go to private channels and to the pockets of politicians. This is a hard blow made to the private enterprise”, Bregasi declared.
In the past four years, besides the natural assets, the Albanian government transferred a series of public services and sovereign rights to private operators. All of them were in monopoly conditions and fees that have been opposed by businesses.
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