Ombudsman Igli Totozani presented the complaints of citizens regarding overcharged bills.
Totozani asked an immediate solution for this concern and also from the Orikum Municipality, which has complained for power cuts.
“Frequent power cuts with long hours and without any justifications. These cuts are due to old lines that have seen no investments. The frequent electric tension fluctuations have often destroyed house appliances. There are collective power cuts, unjust billing and lack of a specialized staff”, Totozani declared.
The Customs Care Director at the CEZ Company, Arben Pregja, explained that CEZ has a high number of complaints.
“We have 36896 new requests and complaints in our offices throughout the country, from the beginning of this year. 32.000 are being processed and the clients will receive a written answer. There is a huge number of discontent about the 2011-2013 period”, Pregjia declared.
As regards the complaint of the Orikum municipality, Pregja denied collective punishments. As for the low power and other complaints, he said that verifications are needed as soon as possible.
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