The ad hoc sub-committee for appointing candidates that don’t come from the judiciary and prosecution, and who will be part of the High Councils for the Judiciary and Prosecution, was unable to find the necessary votes for the candidates, taking it to lots.
The results of the lots:
For the High Council of the Judiciary:
For the High Council of Prosecution:
The opposition contested the process, saying that it included candidates disqualified from the International Monitoring Operation.
”When it’s convenient, the International Monitoring Operation is stronger than the Constitution. When the IMO brings what they are entitled to by the Constitution, you refuse it”, told the Democratic Party MP, Oerd Bylykbashi, to the Committee.
Ulsi Manja, Chairman of the Commission of Laws said that if both parties don’t find consensus, the Constitution and the Law have decided lots as an unlocking mechanism.
If the Parliament will not find consensus, the procedure will be brought back to the Commission. If the Parliament fails for the third time, the third list of the sub-committee will automatically enter into effect.
However, this will not cause the establishing of two new justice institutions, as long as the candidates from the judiciary and the prosecution have not passed the Vetting yet.
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