It was no surprise when the Commission of Laws rejected the President’s
decree for returning the Normative Act that postpones the Civil Employee
Law with 6 months.
The Democratic Party supported the President’s arguments, while the Socialists not only rejected them, but they also accused the President of being part of the Democratic Party.
“The president used the only chance he had to make service to the opposition and turn the normative act to Parliament. I believe that this is written by the President himself, because I don’t believe that his advisers have such a low legal ability”, declared the Socialist Parliament Member, Armando Subashi.
“What’s the need and the urgency? The government tried to show us how they would fire the entire current administration from October 1st to December 31st. From January 1st to April 1st 2014, this law will not be effective and they will roll all the heads they can in the public administration. Today there are hundreds of thousands of employees waiting to lise their jobs. This is the only urgency of the government and nothing else”, declared the Democratic Party Parliament Member, Oerd Bylykbashi.
Another issue might spur a strong Parliamentary debate. The majority announced that they would include in the daily agenda of the Commission of Laws the establishing of a parliamentary group from this Commission for Asset Declaration Inspectorate, after concerns coming from the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets. This decision will be taken this Tuesday, but the opposition reacted by considering this an anti-democratic action that damages the independence of institutions.
“Some employees from the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets have filed a lawsuit at the Prosecution. You should stay silent and wait for the Prosecution to speak. You can’t do the Prosecutor here. All independent institutions are respected in the European Union, while ottomanized countries have arrogance, omnipower and sultans”, declared the Democratic Party Parliament Member, Eduard Halimi.
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