Commission of Laws hears five candidates for CEC leaders

12/10/2016 00:00

A hearing session held with the five candidates for Chairman of the
Central Election Commission ended without any decision, but it was left
to be understood that the DP would not support any of them, not even the
current Chairwoman, Lefterie Luzi, elected four years ago with DP

The opposition focused on questions about Mrs.Luzi’s decision making on her duty, and one of them appeared to be different from the opposition’s stance regarding the implementation fo the decriminalization law.

“It is necessary and immediate to amend the decriminalization law and the electoral code, such as articles that include terms like “may” and “should”. One article appears different from another law, and different from a verdict”, Luzi said.

Luzi received only two general questions from the majority, a passive SP position that was noticed even for the two other candidates.

For Denar Biba, the Socialists voted in favor while the Democrats focused on unfulfilled legal criteria for the candidacy.

For Kolin Bele, Democrats claimed that the legal criteria are not met. They tied him with past functions with the Socialist Party. Bele denied it, but he didn’t deny if he had funded the Socialist Party: “I have made a donation for the subject in question a few years ago, but I don’t remember the exact sum”, Bele asid.

The Commission of Laws has not established a date to decide about candidates. Now it is up to the Socialist vote for deciding who will lead CEC for the next four years.

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