The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace,
informed the Parliament Members that the highest financial authorities
are observing the situation in Greece.
According to him, if the Greek crisis would escalate, the government and the Bank of Albania have all the instruments to defend the national economy, and there’s nor room for panic that is fueled by political reasons.
The Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, guaranteed the Parliament Members that there is no reason to be concerned, especially for the financial plan.
“We have maximal security for the banking system. Despite the fact that they are called ‘Greek Banks’, they are in fact Albanian banks with Greek capital that have nothing to do with Greece, except for the ownership of shares”, Cani declared.
Experts agree that Albania is not at risk. The Democratic MP, Sherefedin Shehu, said that the deepening of the crisis in Greece might hit the economic growth of our country.
“It is true that the so called ‘Greek banks’ will bring no problem to Albania. But we should not think that Albania will not be affected by a possible collapse of Greece. I think that the first effect will be an economic growth”, Shehu declared.
The Parliamentary Commission of economy passed a law that authorizes the Minister of Finances to take loans from the international market through the Eurobond.
The government has not decided yet how much will this loan be, but Minister Cani says that this operation will not increase the public debt, but it will simply replace an existing debt by reducing its interests.
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