Commercial center and mosque

30/07/2013 00:00

Environmentalists have been reporting for days that the park in front of
the Parliament is being damaged and trees are being cut not just for
the construction of a mosque, but also because there is a plan for
building a commercial center.

The construction permit was given by the National Council of Territory Regulation, signed by Prime Minister Berisha and the Minister of Culture, Visar Zhiti. Together with the mosque, it is given for the construction of a multifunctional center that will be three stores underground and eight stores high.

The permit says that the surface is 5233.38 square meters, which includes the mosque and 1543 for the multifunctional building.

Publicly the state has been speaking only about the construction of the mosque, while the Muslim Community says that they cannot give an explanation about the joint permit, since their interest is only on the permit for the mosque, given after so many times of requests.

“The Muslim Community has been waiting for 23 years for the construction of this mosque. As for the other building, it can be verified by the respective institutions. The building will be on a private property that does not belong to the Muslim Community. We have been waiting for 23 years for the construction of this mosque, and we are not interested on the other building”, says Gazmend Aga, vice chairman of the Muslim Community.

The permit says that the mosque will be built by the Muslim community, while the multifunctional building by the “Ndertuesi SHPK” company, which is represented by Genc and Abdul Deromemaj.

The permit has been approved two months ago at the National Council of Territory Regulation, and there is no public project about how it will be placed and how it will be harmonized with the other buildings.

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