Colonies of locusts damage agricultural production in the fields of Myzeqe and the villages of Vlora

04/06/2024 21:04

In the fields of Myzeqe, in the villages of Vlora and in Belsh in the south of Albania, the locusts have reappeared causing damage to agricultural crops. Top Channel was in two villages in Divjakë, Selenica and in Petë, where the residents are worried because the rate of spread of the grasshoppers is great.

Among the first outbreaks is the area of ​​the village of Sopez, where farmers say that it has begun to invade the planted lands.

The General Director of the National Veterinary Authority, Roland Meçaj, closely inspected today the areas of Divjaka, where surfaces infected with the Moroccan and Italian locust were found, for which he promised intervention with insecticide.

“We prepare the map of the areas where chemical treatment will be used, respecting all protocols. We have a drastic decrease in infected surfaces, but we are fully prepared to fight the pest”, said Mecaj.

The Ministry of Agriculture says that disinfection has started in Divjaka, since earlier this could not be done because it would not be effective. While farmers are required to cooperate with agronomists when they discover insects in their fields.

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