CoE recommendations for AMA

25/11/2014 00:00

Experts from the Council of Europe, also with a request from the
Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, have concluded a study which
shows the path that should be followed by the Audiovisual Media
Authority, an institution that so far has not done its job properly and
has had many problems as regards decision-making autonomy.

“This impartial and professional study of factual and formal indicators for an independent functionality of AMA, aims laying the foundations for the work that should be done in the future, by leaving behind the difficult period of this institution and by building a media authority that will be able to face technological developments and to protect consumers”, declared the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta.

The experts of the Council of Europe have recommended several changes, which, according to them, could enable a full and independent functionality of AMA.

The distribution of frequences has had several problems. Many issues have gone to court. We suggest to pass the  right to license and control electronic and network frequences to the Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications”, said Kristina Iron, expert of the Council of Europe.

As for piracy, experts say that AMA is responsible for reporting piracy, while the punishment for pirates should go to the court.

The recommendations had the support of all the representatives of the Education and Media Commissions and by the AMA Chairman, Genc Pollo.

“I agree with the recommendations in general. The law for AMA is good, although they have worked with it for seven years. Its implementation remains the main thing. The laws that are apporved with consensus should be implemented, but this is not the case for the Regulator. There have been efforts to discharge the Head of AMA. The main criteria for discharging and appointing were against the law. The past appointments have put AMA closer to the government, and this is not positive for the rule of law or the media freedom”, Pollo declared.

“If we go beyond the agendas of political parties, and put our efforts for increasing the standards of our institutions, then we have done the right thing with the mandates and institutions that we have, so that we can realize the challenges that our country faces and that we have expressed as theories, but in reality we do everything to not realize them”, declared Alfred Peza, Vice Chairman of the Commission.

The budget of AMA is very small compared to the other countries, which makes this regulatory institution unable to fulfill most of its legal obligations. Experts of the Council of Europe want to change article 15 of the law, so that AMA can take decisions and get organized without any decisions from the Parliament.

“I agree with the recommendations of the Council of Europem, even with the recommendation for passing some competences to the Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications, and with the amendment of article 15 as regards AMA, which should not depend anymore from the Parliament, because it is not realistic and does not reflect the real needs for reaching the balances”, declared Gentian Sala, Chairman of AMA.

The German Ambassador, Mr.Helmut Hoffman, said that the legal structure is good, but the most important thing is its implementation. “I would appeal not only AMA, but also other institutions and the parties to find the right personalities for this”, he said.

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