Clothes factory workers protest in front of the prosecutor’s office in Fier after not receiving their salaries

07/10/2023 15:56

70 women and girls, workers of a clothing factory protested today in front of the Prosecutor’s Office of Fier in the southwest of Albania, for the delay in examining the criminal complaint against the company, which abusively has not paid their salaries for of two months and 10 days.

They claim that the report has been lying in the prosecutor’s offices for more than two months and nothing has been done to date to end the delay.

“We worked without signing a contract, and we implemented every request we received from the factory managers, but now we live within the limits of survival,” says one of the protesting women.

While the representatives of the association “Coalition for Decent Work” in support of the cause of the workers have expressed that the Albanian government must fight the injustice, indifference and exploitation of Albanian workers, listing at the same time criteria that must be respected by employers in favor of female factory workers.

The workes have affirmed that they will not stop the protests until their problem is considered.

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