Cleaning beaches during tourist season

01/07/2014 00:00

In order to bring to an end what Prime Minister Edi Rama considered “a
shameful tradition”, the pollution of beaches, a structure has been
created which is called “Camp of Volunteers”.

“This is a new program that is being established for the first time, and which aims to end a shameful tradition that has embarrassed us for years with visitors. Beach goers throw on beaches whatever they consume and there is no care for the environment”, Rama declared.

This initiative started in Golem, and it will continue in the entire coastline. The volunteers will cooperate with the Armed Forces and other civil society members who want to be part of this action.

“We must insist to make all holiday-makers be part of this effort. All the wastes of their consumption should be dumped in especially built places. This would be a historic victory for a society that expects more than this from tourism, and for a country that tries to make a good image for tourism. We can change this easily if we think of every place as we thing about our home”, Rama declared.

Besides cleaning, this initiative aims to establish a culture for maintaining beeches. The volunteers of this project will try to raise awareness among beach goers through several methods.

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