Clashes for the Permet church

19/08/2013 00:00

The former Foreign Minister, Besnik Mustafaj, considers the conflict
created at the Permet church as unusual and unwanted, saying that these
priests are allowing to be treated politically, when everything should
be resolved within the legal framework of our country.

“A religious institution should not be in property conflicts with the state. This remains a prolem that can be resolved within the legislation and Albanian institutions. There is a court verdict in all instances, and the Court verdict cannot be appealed by anyone. But this is against the spirit of the church in general. The church does not occupy anything by force. Godly people don’t use these methods for their conflicts. I am surprised that those priests have allowed to be used even politically, I would say”, Mustafaj.

He considered the declaration of the Greek Foreign Ministry as incorrect and damaging for the Albanian territory, saying that it is outside the European Union standards.

“The declaration of the Greek government, the Greek Foreign Ministry is absurd. They take the courage to go against a court order. Greece would never dare doing this in any other European country or the United States, because it is anti-democratic, it is against the European Union standards, especially with the insinuations, saying “we hope that the Albania government is not behind this”, which not only damage the relations between the countries, but also the Permet priests feel encouraged to violate Court Orders, thinking that they are opposing the government”, Mustafaj declared.

Since the Albanian Foreign Ministry, has not reacted, the Foreign British Minister, Besnik Mustafaj, argues that this should have been done to remind the Greek side that this is not in the cooperation and friendship spirit between the two countries.

“Normalisht Ministria jonë e Jashtme këtë gjë duhet t’ia kujtonte Ministrisë së Jashtme greke që nuk është në frymën e bashkëpunimit, nuk është në frymën e demokracisë, në frymën e miqësisë, kundërvënia e një institucioni qeveritar siç është Ministria e Jashtme ndaj gjykatës së një vendi fqinj demokratik të lirë, siç jemi ne”, theksoi Mustafaj.

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