Clashes escalate on a personal level between former Prime Minister Berisha and the US ambassador to Albania

10/04/2023 20:47

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and American Ambassador Yuri Kim leave no occasion without mentioning each other in animosity not only with political but also personal accusations.

Berisha often uses insulting tones and personal accusations against the American ambassador, as in one case he called her ‘McGonigal in a dress’ referring to the arrested former FBI official, to which Kim responded by calling Berisha the “fireman of the village”.

Relations were not so bad at first, but when the US State Department declared the former prime minister ‘non-grata’ and accused him of corruption and undermining democracy, Berisha’s language became harsher.

Berisha described the ambassador as an “undeclared governor” in Albania and the rhetoric against her was very close to anti-American rhetoric.

Berisha found the name of George Soros as an argument and alibi until he moved to concrete accusations, but also insulting labels for the highest representative of the United States in Albania, Yuri Kim.

This is his last statement: “The ambassador has exceeded every limit, because of the frauds she has done to her government, she has undertaken reprehensible acts against justice”.

Mrs. Kim is at the end of her mandate in Albania and she is neither the first nor the last to clash with Albanian politicians, especially Berisha. However, the latest clash is stronger after the United States tarnished Berisha by defining him as undesirable, corrupt and undermining the democracy.

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