The governing majority started its efforts to unblock the political
stalemate after the opposition left the Parliament, claiming that the
political consensus has been undermined with the normative act of the
current government which postpones the civil employee law.
Ilirian Celibashi, Minister of Parliamentary Relations, together with the Minister of European Integration, Klajda Gjosha, met today with the leader of the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity, Shpetim Idrizi. Considering this meeting as very important, Celibashid eclared on Facebook:
“We underlined the need for an all inclusiveness and consensus for this basic act, so that we can build a public administration that is equally distanced from public interests. We are optimistic for the opposition factors to cooperate in the discussion of this Parliamentary act”.
The Socialist Movement for Integration went a step further for this issue, proposing a meeting of Prime Minister Edi Rama with the opposition leader, Lulzim Basha.
“We find it appropriate to promote the idea of a meeting between the leaders of the majority and the opposition, Rama and Basha, to explore a possible agreement so that this important law, product of a consensus, can continue to be such even in this act that reinforces the positive effect regarding the consolidation of the administration and the civil service”, Vasili declared.
The voting of the normative act was postponed in the plenary session of this Thursday. Prime Minister Rama declared that this normative act, which postpones with six months the day when the Civil Employee Law enter s in effect, was left for another day so that they can find consensus with the opposition, and that the request to appoint another session was made by the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta.
Shehu: Normative act undermines finances
“Rama government deepens the debt with 6 billion ALL per month”.
For the Democratic Party, the normative act of this government not only undermines the political consensus, but also the finances of our country. The Democratic Party Parliament Member, Sherefedin Shehy, declared that the public finances are being damaged by the Rama government with 6 billion ALL each month.
“The Democratic Party considers this an act that aims to destabilize the public finances. Earlier the day Minister Cani declared that the deficit this year will be 30 billion. Different from what has been said, this act brings that to 40 billion ALL. The Democratic Party did not realize 2 billion ALL until August, but the Socialist Party government decides to not realize 6 billion ALL per month. The gap would be 24 billion ALL”, Shehu declared.
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