“Civil Employee” Normative Act passed

08/10/2013 00:00

Only with the votes of the majority, the Commission of Laws passed the
Government’s Normative Act for postponing the Civil Employee Law for six

The opposition was against this postponement, and abandoned the Parliament Room since this Thursday. The Government representatives gave the arguments for passing the Normative Act and planned the necessary sub-legal acts.

“The only purpose is to make an applicable law. Without the sub-legal acts, this law could not be implemented. There would be an objective inability if the law would have entered in act without this amend, which aims only to apply all the procedures related to the civil employee recruitment and other procedures that the act defines”, Celibashi declared.

“We know that we don’t have enough time, but we are working hard. Thankfully we received strong support from the international organizations, including the European Commission and many others that are financing the preparation of the sub-legal act”, Harito declared.

The opposition had complained about the Normative Act by challenging it at the Constitutional Court, but according to Rapporteur Vasilika Hysi, it fulfills the constitutional requests of need and urgency, arguing that due to the lack of sub-legal acts, the restructuring and addition of ministries, and due to the lack of the financial effect of this law in the current budget, the Normative Act is in full accordance with the Constitution, and also with a former decision of the Constitutional Court.

“The needs and urgencies are defining elements of the constitutionality for which the Constitutional Court has previous decisions that we have taken in consideration not only for the formal content of the requests decided by the Constitution, but also in the significance that the Constitutional Court has given to the need and urgency, saying that these are the circumstances that are being watched step by step”, Hysi declared.

One of the requests of the Democratic Party for the Constitutional Court was not only the repealing of the Normative Act, but also the suspension of this act. The law doesn’t oblige the Court for taking such a decision, but non-official sources say for Top Channel that the Constitutional Court is viewing the possibility of giving an answer if they will accept or not the Democratic Party request for suspending the Normative Act that postpones the civil employee law.

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