The Democratic Party, in protest against the government’s normative act
to postpone the civil employee law, has abandoned the Parliament’s floor
and considered the decision as anti-constitutional.
“They’re doing everything so that Rama and Koco can have enough time to share the assets among them. One takes Albpetrol, the other takes the legalizations. One takes the Tax Office and the other the Customs Office. These are the bargains that they are doing today by damaging the Albanian people. Just for these dirty bargains they damaged the consensus and our country is going once again to political destabilization. For us, Rama has started with provocations and arrogance, by ignoring the law and the constitution. Very soon this will bring them to a conflict with all Albanians”, declared the Democratic Party Parliamentary Group leader, Edi Paloka.
However, Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta announced the discussion of this act in the Parliamentary commissions. The Minister for Relations with the Parliament, Mr.Celibashi, declared that the goal of this act is to improve the current law and making possible to implement it, not undermining the consensus, as the opposition claims.
“I want to value the fact that the government has held meetings with both opposition groups and we also requested a meeting with the Democratic Party parliamentary group, before this act passed at the Council of Ministers, in order to uncover the reasons and arguments that brought this initiative. However, regardless of the absence of the Democratic Party group in Parliament, for which I am not happy, I hope that they will participate in the commission discussions and the plenary sessions when this act will be discussed”, declared the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta.
“This initiative came as result of the need to make this law ready to be implemented, so that we don’t have one more law in the corpus of laws that cannot be implemented. This law must have its place and so that we can respect the political consensus reached between the political forces. I want to underline once again that we have all chances to work together with the opposition in order to find the understanding language for this initiative”, Celibashi declared.
Democratic Party at the Constitutional Court
As expected, the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha; and the the Former Minister of Justice, Eduard Halimi, filed a suit at the Constitutional Court against the Normative Act of the Rama Government for the Civil Employee law.
Halimi declared that it is important to implement the constitution, because that law was undone within a few hours.
“On behalf of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party and the Party for Justice, Integrity and Unity, we submitted a lawsuit for declaring the Normative Act of the Prime Minister as anti-Constitutional. Rama zeroed within a few minutes a law that requires qualified majority, and that was voted with unanimous votes by the Albanian Parliament. We want the Constitutional Court to declare it anti-constitutional”, Halimi declared.
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