Citizens to pay additional 10 bln ALLyear for crude oil marking

19/12/2015 00:00

Marking fuel concession might cost the Albanian people an additional 10
million USD a year. After the conflict that peaked with a one-day
interruption of their services at the customs, paralyzing the fuel
market, the Ministry of Finances and the Concessionary are negotiating
for an agreement.

The concessionary agreement signed by the previous government foresees that GFI marks crude oil too, although this point has not been implemented so far.

But what financial consequences would bring the marking of crude oil? A joint report fom the Ministries of Finances and Energy show that the inclusion of crude oil would make concessionary companies that produce oil a 1 billion ALL cost a year. This cost would not be paid by these companies, but by the citizens.

All concession agreements provide that an tax raise is completely compensated. This means that if oil producing companies will be forced to pay 1 billion ALL to the marking concessionary, they will be deducted the same value from the budget when paying taxes.

The Ministry of Finances is negotiating with GFI to find a final solution. So far the details on the negotiations remain unknown, but the GFI wants the right of marking for crude oil too, based on the agreement conditions. A request that might be realized.

It doesn’t matter if this service will be paid by the budget or by the production companies. If the crude oil will not be marked, the 10 million USD a year cost will be paid directly by citizens.

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