Church reacts against President’s declarations: “No businesses on our property”

20/02/2015 00:00

The declaration of the Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, on Top
Channel’s “Top Story”, brought a reaction from the Catholic Church of

The representatives of the church feel offended and exclude any relation of the church with businesses.

“The Catholic church is a missionary of evangelism and spiritual salvation throughout the world. We have several pastorals and one of them is for charity, social and cultural education of children”, says Sokol Lulgjuraj, head of the Church Council.

The parson of the Catholic Church “Saint Pius X”, Don Emiglio Valente, says that cultural and sportive activities are carried out each day in these premises, and engage hundreds of families.

“100 to 200 children come each day here. They play football and other sports. During summer we have a summer camp for 500 children from Elbasan and its suburbs”, the parson says.

The Karaosmani family members and the Catholic Church own property titles for the land in question. This title was considered invalid by a court verdict. The Supreme Court has not published the arguments yet. The clergymen say that the Court decision orders the church to free the property within three months.

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