Childhood endangered by computers

13/09/2013 00:00

Four hours or more on the internet, four hours in front of the TV, and
less time with the parents. This is how children are growing up today,
without knowing or understanding that they are being damaged by their
parents themselves, who buy computers, smart-phones and TVs for their
children’s entertainment or to keep them busy, not being able to have
other activities.

“There’s no other place to go, that’s why we fill our free time with these technological equipments. I use my tablet for one hour and a half, I stay one hour in front of the TV and then I watch TV”, another child says.

It’s not that children don’t want to have other forms of entertainment, but that’s the only space that they have. Areas around apartment buildings have been turned into bars or parking lots. Private playgrounds are expensive and time-limited, while desires for books have faded away.

More concerned are grandparents, who can justify busy parents due to the careers or private businesses they have to pursue.

Staying for hours in front of computers and televisions makes children stay for several hours in the same position, and according to doctors this damages the eyes and the spine, and makes children unconcentrated.

A study made in America says that 90% of the children have become more aggressive due to video games. Video games also affect obesity.

Doctors and psychologists ask parents to be careful and orient children to physical activity and books, by tolerating only 30 to 60 minutes for screens.

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