Artan Didi will be the new General Chief of State Police. He took the oath this Thursday Morning, before the police troops.
The former General State Police, Hysni Burgaj, was the one handing over the State police flag to him.
“In this solemn moment, by respecting the actions of all generations of the Albanian police; by honoring and respecting the blood of the fallen officers and of those who have been injured on duty, and on behalf of the Albanian State Police, devoted to defend our country and our public safety, by guaranteeing a rigorous implementation of the raw, and under my personal honor, I swear to keep with honor the flag of the Albanian State Police”, Didi declared.
The Interior Minister declared that not only the new Chief of the General Police, but all Police structure will have his support and that of the government.
“One thing that unites us more than ever in all General Police positions, is the high mission for the sake of the Albanian citizens and on behalf of the law, in order to guarantee the public order I our country, which is very necessary in the war against crime and corruption”, Tahiri declared.
Didi returned to the police ranks after leaving it in 2005. One of the most important duties in his career was the leading of the RENEA Forces, when he led a series of successful actions. Formerly wounded on duty, Didi left the police after the rotation of power in 2005, when he led the Public Safety Directory.
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