Cham case spurs harsh debates in Greek internal politics

06/10/2016 00:00

The “non paper” document that the Greek Foreign Ministry sent to
official Tirana, and the politics followed by the Greek diplomacy
regarding Albania’s Cham case, have spurred harsh political debates in

One day after the Greek Foreign Minister explained the situation in a radio interview, his PR Office published a second declaration, using harsh tones against the opposition. They accuse the conservatory MPs of putting inaccurate facts and untrue claims regarding the situation.

Kotzia says that Greece has never accepted the existence of the Cham case, and the Foreign Ministry sent the Albanian counterparts a “non–paper” document for the issues both countries need to rsolve, and the only argument in that declaration for supporting the claim that the Cham case does not exist, is that the Greek court decided so.

Thirdly, according to the Ministry, Greece has updated the European Commission with this in order to establish the red lines, and it makes no sense to interpret this reference as an internationalization of a case that doesn’t exist. The only person who thoughtlessly opened this matter was an MP of “New Democracy”.

Fourth, the document says, the update about the red lines was made after the Cham party became part of the Greek government, which Greece has condemned. Kotzias warned the Greek opposition once again to be more responsible when discussing sensible national matters.

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