Challenger Berisha speaks at the DP headquarters: I bow before the 44 thousand Democrats who voted for the removal of ‘Lul Brava’

18/12/2021 21:21

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha spoke in front of the PD headquarters after the vote held among party members on the departure of chairman Lulzim Basha.

Berisha said that 44,000 Democrats voted to remove the party chairman.

Berisha: “I must bow before tens of thousands, before 44 thousand democrats who today decided with their vote in a plebiscite way, the removal of the hostage Basha.

“This is the most deserved punishment for an unworthy person, that uses the highest position of opposition leader for personal bargaining, and treats the DP as his own property.

“This is the most brilliant vote that writes a new chapter in the history of the revolution.

“This revolution has not stopped, there is no force in the world that can stop it. We are witnessing the shameful attempts of the narco-state against this major act in the history of pluralism.

“There is no force that can prevent free people from achieving their goals of freedom and dignity,” Berisha said among other things.

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