“Challenge for Albania”, newest political party

19/10/2016 00:00

Challenge for Albania is officially the newest party in Albania. Its
first challenge will be in the next elections. Although started from a
civil organization, the Challenge has undertaken its first commitment
today, although they still don’t have party structures.

At the beginning it seemed that this party would start with the running of Gjergj Bojaxhi as Mayor of Tirana. Today they were introduced with a new name.

“We are committed to work with honesty and patience, despite the old parties who will throw mud on us, and despite those who will think that we are just like the rest, and regardless the fact that we don’t have funds”, said Blendi Salaj, one of its founders.

“The only purpose of the Challenge for Albania is to break the political balances that are not helping our country’s progress, but that are turning into an obstacle”, Salaj said.

The leader of this party, Hektor Ruci, said that the internal organization model will be different from that of other parties, with a clear division between the administrative and political structures.

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