CEZ debt scandal

17/12/2012 19:30

The Albanian Parliament approved a normative act this October through
which the government removed 1.3 billion ALL from the local
administration, so that they could oblige them to pay CEZ debts.

Despite the complaints, the government declared that the municipalities and communes have a legal obligation to pay their own energy bills for aqueducts.

Since CEZ also had debts to the Albanian Power Corporation (KESH), the government promised that the money that was being taken from the local administration would be used for KESH, through a scheme that would pay this money to CEZ in a bank that KESH could order a freezing of the accounts.

This point was in the internal memo that the Minister of Finances brought regarding this issue. But the memo wasn’t implemented and the money never went to KESH.

So far the government has paid 700 million ALL from the 1.3 billion fund, but Top Channel has secured information that proves that none of the money was received by KESH. The money were used elsewhere.

Two days ago Top Channel published the agreements that CEZ made with some private companies. Documents show that for every debt encased by CEZ from clients, including aqueducts, these companies make 28-50% of the total debt.

A financial scandal through which the money that the government removed from municipalities and communes were transferred to the mediating companies that would play the private bailiff, for which they have done no public service. Their only service is that the government connections allow them to dictate decisions in government.

The transaction has ended according to a well detailed scheme, when the money was transferred to local treasury branches and then to CEZ, which has used it to pay the mediating companies, according to an agreement.

In the meanwhile, hundreds of employees have not been paid in several municipalities and communes, while many of the local units have been obliged to cut many important public services.

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