CEZ cancels overcharged bills

20/04/2013 19:45

CEC will cancel 1500 overcharged bills given to several citizens who have complained.

After the verifications, CEC director, Ilirjan Shkembi, says that the complaints of these clients are right and that 700 others are being reviewed.

“1500 requests are right and have not been executed, which we will now execute. 700 others are being reviewed, since the situation has changed”, Shkembi declared.

The CEZ director declared that for every request, CEZ will take all necessary measures by even firing their employees.

CEZ introduced for the first time the electronic complaints that can be filed online on the company page.

The Director of the Client Relations at the Sales Department, Eni Zaimi, asked the citizens to be present and confirm if they agree with the procedure before the verifications are made.

Consumers can complain even through the phone numbers of CEZ, while the deadline of the answer is 30 days after the request.

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