CEZ accusations, Meta: “International investigation, Europeans are implicated”

24/09/2015 11:30

“The first and most important step is an international investigation of
this case. There’s no other option for this case”, declared the former
Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, during a Parliament session.

Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta also supported the Prime Minister’s request for an international investigation for what has been known as the affair with the debts of the CEZ debts from 2010 to 2011, when the government was led by Prime Minister Berisha and the SMI leader, Ilir Meta.

But, different from the former Prime Minister, Meta, as the most accused politician for this case, asks a thorough investigation of the entire activity of the Czech company in our country.

“I want to support the idea of a quick, thorough and deep international investigation for the entire CEZ case, from its first day of activity in our country and until today”, Meta declared.

While Berisha did not specify what international group should investigate this case, Ilir Meta said that the Prosecutors should come from the other side of the Atlantic.

“I invite the party leaders to invite the US to be part of this and create a special jurisdiction to assist finding the truth of this case, which has created a huge damage to the Albanian citizens”, the Parliament Speaker declared.

While some media outlets have said that the Parliament Speaker has not had good relations with the US Embassy, Meta shows more trust to the US prosecutors.

“I believe that the USA are not involved with CEZ and have no conflict of interest”, Meta declared.

The current Albanian legal system does not allow contracting foreign investigators for Albanian matters, which would minimally require more time for the legal amends. But the proposition of Ilir Meta seems to be in a longer term. He said that his political force will request that all accusations of Albanian politicians should be ivnestigated by US Prosecutors. Meta proposed to do this until the Albanian judiciary has recovered.

He made it clear that he has no intent to resign. He reminded the opposition that before asking him to resign, they should check the documents that their Minsiter of Finances used to send to ERE, in which he had warned the risk to damage the Albanian Power Corporation if CEZ was favored.

While a company that was contracted for collecting the CEZ debts has started a trial in Vienna, no investigation has started in Albania regarding the accusations.

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