Census: 83% Albanians, 0.87% Greeks

07/12/2012 19:50

INSTAT completed the data collected by the Census 2011 and is expected to declare the results on December 13th. 

Diplomatic sources secured for Top Channel the conclusions of the
Census 2011 for two of its most important aspects, which are
nationality and religion.

83% of the population is of Albanian nationality, 0.87% are Greek, and 0.2% are Macedonian. The

The religious data show that 57% of the population are Muslims, 13.89%
refused to tell it, 10.11% are Catholics, 6.8% Orthodox,  2.52% atheist,
2.11% Bektashi, 0.11% evangelists.

The results are expected to spur harsh debates, especially from the
Greek Minority associations that were against the Census and undertook
their own.

Another number that attracts attention is that of the religious
community, the Christian one, which for the first time appears to be
bigger than the Orthodox one.

Weeks ago INSTAT published some of the preliminary data about the
population, which had decreased to 2.831.741 from the 2.069.275 of 2001.

The population has decreased with 7.7% in 10 years, mainly due to emigration and birth rates.

For the first time in the history, the population living in urban areas
is larger than that in rural areas. 63.7% of the population lives in
urban areas and 46.3% in rural areas.

Census 2011 is the 11th in the history of Albania, and was planned  by UNECE/Eurostat throughout the world.


Albanian 83%
Refused to answer 14.07%
Greek 0.87%
Roma 0.3%
Aromun 0.3%
Macedonian 0.2%
Egyptian 0.12%
Montenegrin 0.01%
Others 0.1%


Muslim 57.12%
Refused to answer 13.89%
Catholic 10.11%
Uncategorized believers 5.53%
Orthodox 6.8%
Bektashi 2.11%
Evangelist 0.11%
Other Christians 0.1%
Atheist 2.52%
Other 0.2%

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