CEC Chairwoman: “Not enough time for Electoral Reform”

30/09/2016 00:00

Two days ago, the majority and opposition established December as the
last deadline for amending he Electoral Code, before the elections of

The Chairwoman of the Central Election Commission said they should have been done in parallel with the Justice Reform, since there are several problems that need to be treated and there is not enough time.

However, this is not the first time that the Electoral Code changes just a few months before the elections. This was the critic of former President Alfred Moisiu in the meeting organized this Friday for the electoral reform, which he himself initiated.

Former President Moisiu said rushed amends of the Electoral Code should end. He also asked the OSCE/ODIHR to not only make remarks and recommendations, but to sit with Albanian specialists and draft an European-level code, rather than leaving Albanian political classes constantly accusing each other.

Former President Bamir Topi underlined that electoral corruption is one of the main issues with Albanian elections, and for this he blamed the Constitutional amends of 2008.

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