The chairman of the Central Election Commission, Denar Biba, gave a very
brief answer to the propositions of bigger parties for the electoral
reform, saying: “There is not enough time”.
Socialists want immigrants to vote. Democrats want electronic voting. The SMI wants open voters’ lists. Denar Biba said he doesn’t want to get involved in political debates, but no major changes can be done for the moment.
“We need to do what is expected, make amends based on the OSCE/ODIHR propositions in the elections of 2013 and 2015. Some of the requests are political, such as the open lists. We have a good law and the OSCE has said it in 2013 and 2015, that the Albanian law guarantees free and fair elections. I doubt there is enough time for macro amends. We’ll have time only for micro”, Biba said.
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