CE asks implementation of ECHR decisions

15/12/2011 17:10

The Council of Europe organized a conference in Tirana in order to create
the capacities for implementing the European Court for Human Rights
decisions as soon as possible.

Representatives from the Council of Europe and the Court of Human Rights declared that the challenges that Europe faces today should be resolved by considering the Democracy principles, the implementation of the human rights and the rule of law.

The regional countries, including Albania, must create the necessary capacities and the legal base for implementing the European Court for Human Rights decisions as soon as possible.

The Minister of Justice, Eduard Halimi, reiterated the need for implementing the European Court of Human Rights.

As for one of the basic human rights, that of the property, Halimi declared that Albania will have the property national strategy that will be accompanied with the digital register of properties in Albania.

According to Halimi, this strategy will be approved in January and will contain a concrete action plan with measures for a just compensation of former owners.

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