The community expressed their indignation for the declaration of the
President on Top Story. They asked him to stand to his position, that of
being President of all Albanians.
“With the wisdom given by Church through the Holy Spirit, we invite you to reflect on your opinion. We invite you to withdraw the declarations that you made in public, in order to show the civility and wisdom that is part of this post. You may hold this same position but not from the post that represents the nation’s unity. We pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten your mind so that you correct this mistake, in respect of the duty that you hold and in respect of the holy dignity of the Catholic Church”, declared Sokol Lulgjuraj, Head of the Council of the Saint Piu X church.
After the Supreme Court issued a verdict for demolishing the catholic church of Elbasan, a series of reactions have arrived from the religious communities in Albania and against the President, due to his family ties with the persons who have claimed the ownership of the land.
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